News for September 12, 2024 more
New promotional loots have arrived! Blizzard, in conjunction with Trolli + Xbox, have released new loots for US region players. EU players need not despair, we have you covered as our codes will redeem for EU accounts too.
Both the [Gummi] and the [Classic Brick Tabard] are available now from us for instant delivery. The remaining three other tabards, [Classic Lively Tabard], [Classic Sunny Tabard], and [Classic Crimson Tabard] will be in stock in the coming days. Please check back for availability. All WoW players, when purchasing directly through us, will also appreciate that it won't be necessary to travel to the specific outlets to acquire these limited items.
Update: All new loots are now available, there are limited supplies.
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Winged Guardian
- Added to Blizzard Store in May 2011, the second mount to ever be released in the store.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to your highest riding skill.
- When learned, counts towards all mount collection size achievements.
- Its mane and paws glow with energy, and the wings leave a trail behind them as you fly through the air.
Imp in a Ball
- It makes the same noise when a warlock summons an Imp.
- The imp shakes up and down for a few seconds, and then announces a fortune to your whole group.
- It is similar to a magic 8 ball.
- Casting time is instant with a cooldown of 30 seconds.
- The number of different fortunes is very large.
- The answers given can be cryptic as well as insulting.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Riding Turtle
- On land, turtle mount moves at normal character running / walk speed.
- In water, swim speed increased to 100%.
- No riding skill is required to use.
- Can be affected by +mount speed items and spell effects.
- When learned, the turtle mount counts toward the Mountain 'o Mounts achievement (Horde or Alliance).
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Eye of the Legion
- A smaller version of the Warlock spell [Eye of Killrog].
- Will follow even on flying mount.
- Has unobtrusive rushing air sound.
- Trails green sparkles when moving.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable by all account characters at any level on same BattleNet account.
Tyrael's Hilt
- "Mini Tyrael" is the in-game name of the pet.
- The pet is a miniature version of the Archangel Tyrael from the Diablo universe.
- Unlocks the "Tyrael's Hilt" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Edward Cairn redeems for Horde on upper Trade Quarter, Undercity.
- Ian Drake redeems for Alliance outside the Auction House in Trade District, Stormwind.
- Upon redemption one will receive a mount item that "Binds to warband". When used, all characters on that account may use the pet.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Available for US, EU, and KR servers.
- Usable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
- The only dragon/drake that can be used as a land mount at level 20.
- Claws trail green vapour and embers when moving.
- Green glowing glyph above head.
- The level 20 mount (epic) can be traded in-game.
- Mount automatically adjusts speed to character highest flying/land riding skill.
- Useable by all account characters at level 20 or greater on same BattleNet account.