News for September 12, 2024 more
New promotional loots have arrived! Blizzard, in conjunction with Trolli + Xbox, have released new loots for US region players. EU players need not despair, we have you covered as our codes will redeem for EU accounts too.
Both the [Gummi] and the [Classic Brick Tabard] are available now from us for instant delivery. The remaining three other tabards, [Classic Lively Tabard], [Classic Sunny Tabard], and [Classic Crimson Tabard] will be in stock in the coming days. Please check back for availability. All WoW players, when purchasing directly through us, will also appreciate that it won't be necessary to travel to the specific outlets to acquire these limited items.
Update: All new loots are now available, there are limited supplies.
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Soul-Trader Beacon
- Summons a miniature Consortium member as a Non-Combat pet.
- When summoned emotes "I have arrived. Shall we set to work, then?".
- Pet follows and absorbs souls from slain mobs via killing blow in return for [Ethereal Credit].
- To earn credit enemies must be capable of giving experience / honor, i.e. green or harder, and character must have the killing blow.
- The pet also acts as a vendor and the following items can be bought with [Ethereal Credit]:
[Diluted Ethereum Essence] [Ethereal Mutagen] [Ethereal Liqueur] [Ethereal Essence Sphere] [Soul-Trader's Bindings] [Soul-Trader's Boots] [Soul-Trader's Gloves] [Soul-Trader's Head Wrap] [Soul-Trader's Pauldrons] [Soul-Trader's Waistband] - The vendor purchasable Soul-Trader clothing set closely matches those worn by Consortium members.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Paint Bomb
- Use on target enemy players to coat them in water soluble paint.
- Enemy player is then colored green for up to 15 minutes.
- (De)buff can be removed when submerged in water (speculative).
- You receive a stack of 50 bombs when you redeem the code. Can stack up to 250.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Carved Ogre Idol
- It has almost all emotes that normal chars are capable of doing.
- Combines with Goblin Gumbo, Gnomish Shrink Ray, Mirror Image, World Enlarger, and more to affect your appearance.
- You can hide your armor and race in battlegrounds.
- Is no longer a trinket since patch 3.2.2 and is activated directly from inventory.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.
- GRENADE = Goblinoid Resonant Electro-Neural Automatic Dancing Emitter.
- Anyone (from either faction) inside the reticle when the grenade explodes receives a 1-minute buff that causes them to dance.
- Creates confetti and streamers to enhance the party.
- You receive a stack of 100 grenades when you redeem the code. Can stack up to 250.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.