Papa Hummel's Pet Biscuit
- Useable only on Non-Combat Pets.
- Doubles the size of Non-Combat Pets (15 yd range).
- Named after TCG designer Mike Hummel.
- You receive a stack of 50 biscuits when you redeem the code. Can stack up to 250.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Gusting Grimoire
- One of only two book Battle Pets.
- Emits fireball sound when summoned.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Sand Scarab
- Similar to the scarabs found in Zul'farrak dungeon.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Purple Puffer
- Unique model with purple fish inside floating water bubble.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Landro's Lil' XT
- Is a different color to the BlizzStore Wonderworks original [Lil' XT].
- Please see this blue post if it appears to look the same as BlizzStore item.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Eye of the Legion
- A smaller version of the Warlock spell [Eye of Killrog].
- Will follow even on flying mount.
- Has unobtrusive rushing air sound.
- Trails green sparkles when moving.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable by all account characters at any level on same BattleNet account.
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Grell Moss
- First Grell non-combat pet.
- Is labelled "Gregarious Grell".
- Makes warlock Imp sound when summoned and clicked.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Banana Charm
- This item summons an adorable little pet monkey named "Bananas".
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Landro's Lichling
- Based on the BlizzStore original [Lil' Phylactery].
- Every so often, when opportunity arises, kills a nearby critter with an Ice Block spell.
- Laughs like Kel'Thuzad when he kills a critter or when controller kills a player.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Wind Rider Cub
- Is both a land and flying pet.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Tuskarr Kite
- This kite acts as an companion/pet.
- It follows you around like normal pets, and is attached by a string.
- Every few minutes or so a bolt of lightning hits the kite and travels down the string to zap you, shaking your screen. It does no damage.
- The bolt of lightning occurs more regularly in rainy conditions.
- Try giving it to a Druid then fly the kite whilst in flight form.
- Fly the kite whilst traveling on the Stormwind-Ironforge tram or whilst on the Great Lift.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Nightsaber Cub
- Has a different skin than the original [Winterspring Cub] model.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Is a super-common loot card.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Dragon Kite
- This kite acts as an companion/pet.
- It follows you around like normal pets, and is attached by a string.
- When summoned it appears as one of four random colors. Red, blue, green, or purple.
- Every few minutes or so a bolt of lightning hits the kite and travels down the string to zap you, shaking your screen. It does no damage.
- The bolt of lightning occurs more regularly in rainy conditions.
- Try giving it to a Druid then fly the kite whilst in flight form.
- Fly the kite whilst traveling on the Stormwind-Ironforge tram or whilst on the Great Lift.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Hippogryph Hatchling
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Rocket Chicken
- Regularly it will hover back and forth with its rockets, then land safely on the ground.
- Occasionally it will amusingly explode after rocketing several feet into the air.
- When it explodes the combat log says "Rocket Chicken is killed by Suicide"
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Spectral Tiger Cub
- When clicked it releases a kitten version of the Spectral Tiger roar.
- When cub is sitting, it patiently waits for character to move some distance before catching up at high speed.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Gryphon Hatchling
- Is both a land and flying pet.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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WoW Cataclysm Collector's Edition
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Murkalot's Flail
- "Murkalot" is the in-game name of the pet.
- The pet is a miniature version of the new Crusader class in the Diablo universe.
- Unlocks the "Murkalot" Feat of Strength achievement.
- All pet battle abilities are unique.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Murky's Little Soulstone
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Soul-Trader Beacon
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Smoldering Murloc Egg
- Existing characters are mailed the item upon redeeming the promotion key to ones Battle.net account. New characters have the item waiting in their mail.
- Unlocks the "Deathy" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Promotion code is redeemed at special BlizzCon URL.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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- "Murkidan" is the in-game name of the pet.
- Murloc caricature of Illidan.
- Unlocks the "Murkidan" Feat of Strength achievement.
- When redeemed, this item will be sent to all eligible character mailboxes associated with the destination Battle.net or World of Warcraft account.
- Newly created characters on redeemed account will have "Murkidan" waiting in mailbox.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Heavy Murloc Egg
- "Grunty" is the in-game name of the pet.
- The pet is a miniature version of the Marine unit in the Starcraft universe.
- Interacts with the Zergling pet from the original collectors edition.
- Unlocks the "The Marine Marine" Feat of Strength achievement.
- When redeemed at www.blizzcon.com/pet, this item will be sent to all eligible character mailboxes associated with the destination Battle.net or World of Warcraft account.
- Newly created characters on redeemed account will have "Grunty" waiting in mailbox.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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Knight-Captain Murky
- "Knight-Captain Murky" and "Legionnaire Murky" are the in-game name of the pets.
- When redeemed, both pets will be sent to all eligible character mailboxes associated with the destination Battle.net or World of Warcraft account.
- Unlocks the "Murloc Battlemasters" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Newly created characters on redeemed account will have both pets waiting in mailbox.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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- "Grommloc" is the in-game name of the pet.
- About every 30 seconds he will roar and scare nearby critters.
- Unlocks the "Grommloc" Feat of Strength achievement.
- When redeemed, this item will be sent to all eligible character mailboxes associated with the destination Battle.net or World of Warcraft account.
- Newly created characters on redeemed account will have "Grommloc" waiting in mailbox.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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WoW Burning Crusade Collector's Edition
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WoW WotLK Collector's Edition
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Tyrael's Hilt
- "Mini Tyrael" is the in-game name of the pet.
- The pet is a miniature version of the Archangel Tyrael in the Diablo universe.
- Unlocks the "Tyrael's Hilt" Feat of Strength achievement.
- Edward Cairn redeems for Horde on upper Trade Quarter, Undercity.
- Ian Drake redeems for Alliance outside the Auction House in Trade District, Stormwind.
- "Binds to account". This allows the pet to be mailed to your other characters on redeemed server.
- When learned, counts towards all pet collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
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- Finduin is an Anduin-themed murloc pet accessible to Alliance characters. Equipped with Shalamayne, the two-handed sword held by King Varian Wrynn, and is wearing the Anduin's Lion armor. Has 3 unique animations:
- Shield of Light as Anduin did during the pre-BFA cinematic,
- Summon Genji; a little grey wolf like Frostwolf Pup but without the collar, named after Genn Greymane, which will be tagged as "Guardian of <Player name>",
- Finduin storm vertically on itself while raising Shalamayne to the sky
- Gillvanas, accessible to Horde characters, is a Sylvanus-themed murloc pet equipped with Sunstrider's Longbow, and is wearing the Sylvanus' armor. Has 3 unique animations:
- Bow Flurry Dance of Sylvanus,
- Summon Kevinos; a little zombie, which will be tagged as "Guardian of <Player name>",
- Sylvanus death scream leap
- Both battle pets have a unique skill which revive all your team with 5% HP
- Unlocks the "Battle for Mrrglroth" Feat of Strength achievement.
- When redeemed, pets and Wendigo Woolies transmog set will be available in the appropriate collections tab. Counts towards all pet and wardrobe collection achievements.
- Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.