Stormwind Skychaser

Stormwind Skychaser

Stormwind Skychaser
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This mount changes depending on your Riding skill and location.
Requires Level 20
Requires Apprentice Riding

"Give me all the engines you got." - Engineer Cogspinner
Orgrimmar Interceptor
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Mount (Account-wide)
Use: Teaches you how to summon this mount. This mount changes depending on your Riding skill and location.
Requires Level 20
Requires Apprentice Riding

"A forward-mounted wolf's head cannon makes this air superiority fighter especially good at dogfighting."
Game Facts:
  • Receive both "Stormwind Skychaser" and "Orgrimmar Interceptor" in your account characters Mounts tab upon redemption.
  • Unlocks the "Rides Of War" Feat of Strength achievement.
  • Both are Two-Seater flying mounts.
  • The Stormwind Skychaser has 4 side cannons which swivel around. In the mountspecial the ship backs up and fires these 4 side guns. The propellers change orientation based on whether you're flying on running. Varian's compass sits on the ledge of the cockpit, just behind the pilots seat.
  • When learned, counts towards all mount collection achievements.
Rarity: 35,000 printed
Distribution: BlizzCon 2017

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