Magical Ogre Idol

Magical Ogre Idol

Magical Ogre Idol
Binds when picked up
Use: Become a red ogre mage for 5 min. (30 Min Cooldown)
Red Ogre Mage Costume
Two heads ARE better than one!
5 minutes remaining
Game Facts:
  • Disguises character into a two-headed ogre for 5 minutes.
  • Can use almost all emotes that normal characters are capable of doing.
  • Shows only your weapons in PVP (both arena and battlegrounds).
  • Useable at any level and therefore available for twinks.
Expansion: Crown of The Heavens
Card: Magical Ogre Idol
Rarity: 1/132 booster packs
Distribution: Crown of The Heavens booster boxes contain 36 boosters and cost approx $50 USD (inc. shipping), therefore the average cost of obtaining this particular loot with random chance is $183.00

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